Paschim Medinipur
Kalyani Maity
Call: 9382960641
Kalyani Maity is a resident of Makrami C.. Read more
Kalyani Maity
Call: 9382960641
Kalyani Maity is a resident of Makrami Chowk village under Sabang block of Paschim Medinipur. She is associated with the art of Madur weaving for the past 10 years. Kalyani has learnt the art of weaving Madur by taking vocational training classes and later, her uncle Hari Das taught her. In the earlier stage, She used to take orders from Chandan Mula an eminent Madur artist and gradually with time, she started started her own unit by the name Kalyani Matts. Along with production, she has also helped many women by providing them skill development training to weave Madur which also generated an economic flow among the village. The products she is expert in making are – laptop bags, files, and other utility and home décor items. All through her art jouney, Kalyani has participated in many fairs and exhibitions in Delhi, Mumbai, Bolpur, Rourkela and Rajasthan. Kalyani Maity has received the GI certificate in the year 2022.
Tapas Gayen
Call: 7076177878
Tapas Gayen is a resident of Adisimla vi.. Read more
Tapas Gayen
Call: 7076177878
Tapas Gayen is a resident of Adisimla village of Paschim Medinipur. He is associated with the art of Madur weaving for the past 10 years. Tapas has learnt the art of weaving Madur traditionally from his father Adwaitya Gayen. He started his own unit by the name Tapas Matt factory. The product Tapas is expert in making is floor matt. He is considered the best in starting the warf process for weaving by setting the threads on to the drum for getting colour patterns. All through his journey, Tapas Gayen has participated in fairs around Bolpur and Kolkata.